
[外務省認定]日・オマーン外交樹立50周年事業 東京大学駒場博物館内の常設展示写真展
オマーンの誇り 王家が率いる馬事文化
The Pride of Oman: Equestrian culture under the aegis of the Royal House
This exhibition will encapsulate the relationship between purebred Arabian horses and human beings – the traditional culture of the Sultanate of Oman – through a series of images full of emotion independently reported on and captured by photographer, Yoshiko Sato. Through her photographs, we can see the inextricable link between horses and the people of Oman in their daily lives – on the back of a horse immersed in the light of the water’s surface guided by a man, or the endearing glance of a man to his horse. In the traditional style of horseback riding, without stirrups, human beings perceive the dynamic movement of the supple muscles of horses with their whole bodies. The photograph of a horse lying down on the ground shows the trust between the horse and the person beside him.
The purebred Arabian horse, which is said to date back to the time of King Solomon, was once drastically depleted due to an epidemic but the royal family of Oman built a new Royal Stable in the 1970s to revive the breed. Through constant efforts since then, the Omani equestrian culture has successfully come to bear fruit. The relationship between Omanis and horses, who live with tradition and history on the shoulders will continue in perpetuity.
Yoshiko Sato
Yoshiko Sato is a Photographer who has independently reported on and photographed horse culture in Asia, Europe, and South America. To photograph purebred Arab horses, she traveled to the Sultanate of Oman and was approved by the Royal Stables after her fifth visit there. She has held exhibitions of her photographs in the National Museum of Ethnology, Japan, and other prestigious sites.