江東馬頭観世音 A stone monument for draft horses

UMA LIFE誌2023年5号に、東京大空襲で殺戮された馬たちについて、写真と文章でカラー3頁にわたって掲載しました。現在発売中 メトロポリタンプレス刊



UMA LIFE magazine published the fifth 2023 issue focused on three color pages by Yoshiko Sato’s photographs and texts.

Approximately 100,000 people were killed in the Great Tokyo Air Raid on March 10, 1945, by the U.S.Army. Thousands of draft horses were also burned alive as well. After Japan defeated WWⅡ, the horse riders built a stone monument for horses pityingly. In front of the horse monument in Minamisuna, Koto ward, the descendants of the horse riders gather and pray for horses on March 10 each year. They run the truck transportation companies now.

Yoshiko Sato took photos of the ceremony hearing the chant of monks. Sadness remains, and memories of cruelty never fade out. “The Center of the Tokyo Raids and War Damage” was also informed in the Text.

The Center of the Tokyo Raids and War Damage  1-5-4 kitasuna, Koto-ku,Tokyo